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Who We Are

The Indiana School Social Work Association (INSSWA) is an association of School Social Workers who work with Indiana students and families to provide student assistance, mental health related services, and support in the school system.

INSSWA has been serving school social workers in the state of Indiana since 1997. INSSWA promotes school social work throughout the state by advocating for student services within all schools. The Association reaches out to school social workers by hosting an annual fall conference which offers workshops on current practice issues. Additionally, INSSWA offers regional workshops and spring and summer seminars. INSSWA is an affiliate member of the School Social Work Association of America and a member of the Midwest Council of School Social Workers. INSSWA’s Board of Directors meet four times a year and serve the Association by chairing committees.

Statement of Purpose

Board of Directors


Chelsea English
Indianapolis Public Schools


Meaghan Chien
Indianapolis Public Schools

Past President

Jennifer Beutler
Tippecanoe Schools


Michele Whaley
Indianapolis Public Schools